The accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal causing
abdominal swelling.
Reasons in Tib e Ahlebait a.s
1. Eating blood
2. Drinking water while standing at night
3. Wearing pants while standing
4. Drinking water just after bath
5. Kidney disorder
Reasons in Medical
1. T.B
2. Kidney disorder
3. Thyroid
4. Cancer
5. Testicle’s infection
1. Increase in weight
2. Dyspnea
3. Abdominal swelling and pain
4. Stomach trans off
5. Feeling heaviness
6. Indigestion
7. Nausea Vomiting
8. Change in bellybutton
Treatment by Tib
1. Turaifel
2. Ibne Bastham
3. Senna leaves
Narrations of Ahlebait a.s
(Water in Abdominal )
Whoever will not wash the meat properly and eat
that, a yellow fluid will be produced in his stomach
which causes bad breath.
(Al Mahasin part 2 pg 334)
Imam Ja’far Sadiq a.s said:
1. Drinking water while standing at night will
produce yellow fluid in the stomach.
(Usool e Kafi part 6 pg 383)
2. Don’t drink water immediately after bath or at
night while standing it makes yellow fluid in
(Mustadrak ul Wasail part 1 pg 437)
3. Don’t wear your clothes (breeches) while
standing it will cause grief and yellow liquid in
the stomach.
(Mustadrak ul Wasail part 3 pg 313)
Once a man came to Imam Ali Raza a.s and
complained about yellow fluid in his stomach, Imam
suggested him to write Ayat ul Kursi with saffron 2
times on his stomach then wash and drink that
Insha’Allah will be fine he did the same and get