It is damage to one or more heart valves that
remains after an episode of acute rheumatic
fever (ARF) is resolved. It is caused by an
episode or recurrent episodes of ARF, where
the heart has become inflamed.
It is a condition in which permanent damage to
heart valves is caused by rheumatic fever. The
heart valves are damaged by a disease process
that generally begins with a strep throat caused
bacteria called streptococcus and may
eventually causes rheumatic fever.
1. Fever
2. Joint’s pain and redness
3. Tonsils and infection in throat
4. Nausea
5. Red, raised, lattice-like rash. Usually on the chest.
Back and abdomen.
6. Chest discomfort
7. Shortness of breath
8. Weakness and fatigue
9. Tongue redness
10. Swollen, tender, red and extremely painful
joints particularly the knees and ankles
11. Loss of body control
12. Enlargement of lymph nodes
13. Difficulty in Swallowing
Treatment in Tib e Ahlebait a.s:
1. Daroo e Turaifel
2. Taqwiyat e qalb
3. Qurs e Khoon
4. Jame’ +quince juice
5. Daroo e Ibne Bastham